Slab Leak Repair Service in Parker

Do you need a “Slab Leak Plumber Near Me” in Parker, Texas?

Call 214-206-6580 today for efficient repairs and courteous, friendly service from AugerPros Plumbing.

Find yourself in need of a professional slab leak plumber in Parker? The full-service plumbers at Augerpros Plumbing have decades of experience detecting and repairing slab leaks in Parker. We know this can be a stressful situation for any homeowner and our experts are here to help you choose the best method for repairing the slab leak based on its location and the type of leak.

Slab Leak Repair Parker Texas

Texas is well known by home and business owners for having slab leak issues, which simply put, are leaks in the plumbing under a slab foundation. The soil has a tendency to shift, due to hot dry weather and then heavy rains, especially here in Parker. When this happens, the home will move, and it doesn’t take much to kink a copper water line, or shift a sewer line, so that it backs up, or separates completely.

The water lines usually give way quicker, the water has to go somewhere, and it will eventually make its way to outside the foundation, or up through the floor or wall. Locating the water leak is not always easy. We carry high end locate equipment, and have a lot of experience with locating water leaks under slab foundations.

Sewer slab leaks are not always as cut and dry. They can take a very long time to notice, yet can continue to leak raw sewage under your home, causing it to shift even more. In a case like this, the damage can become quite intensive, as it may be years before it’s noticed.

Some of the signs to watch for to determine if you have a slab leak include:

  • Cracks in the wall or floors of your home or business If you notice cracks appearing in the walls, floors, or even ceilings of your home or business, you should have a slab leak test performed to see whether or not you have a leak under your slab. This does not always mean you do but it is a sign of a slab leak.
  • Hot spots on the floor If you notice a warm or hot spot on your floor, there is something generating that heat, and it is usually hot water. There should not be hot water under your slab unless you have a radiant heating system, which is not common in Texas. This is a time to immediately go to the next steps of testing for a slab leak.
  • Water appearing If you notice water appearing where it should not, at the base of your walls, outside coming out of the foundation, or anywhere on your floor that has no explanation, this could be a leak under your slab foundation.
  • Nasty smell in your home While this can be caused by many things, if you rule out everything else you can think of, you may have a sewer slab leak. These are hard to determine, as there is not the water pressure constantly on your sewer lines as it is on water lines. We perform what is called a Static Test, where we fill the sewer system with water and test for leakage.
  • High water bills suddenly If you notice a large increase in your water bill suddenly, you may have a leak, and if you cannot find it above the slab, then it could be under your slab foundation. An easy way to test for this is to shut off every faucet inside and outside of your home or business, go to your water meter, and shut it off completely. Mark the spot where the needle is with a marker, and wait for 15 minutes. If there is no change, then there should not be a significant leak. If it does move, there is a leak somewhere, and if you cannot find it, it’s probably under your slab.

If you notice these signs, it’s important to have a licensed plumber with experience in slab leaks come out and test for it. It can save you thousands of dollars in potential damages down the line.

Slab Leak Plumber Near Me in Parker Texas

Slab Leak

How do I know if I have a slab leak?

  • Water Slab Leak: Basic testing for a water slab leak is fairly simple. Turn off the water in your home, inside and out, make sure there isn’t a drip anywhere. Go to your water meter, and watch it. If it moves at all, there is a leak somewhere, and if you are not seeing it from a faucet, or sprinkler system, then chances are, it’s hidden in a wall, or under the slab. This is a rough test but can give you an idea if you should call in the experts. We do a much more in-depth testing process, which can involve shutting off your sprinkler system, and possibly changing out fixtures, toilet parts, etc. if leaks are coming from them.
  • Sewer Slab Leak: Testing for a sewer slab leak is a little more involved. Our plumbers will perform what is called a static test. We require cleanouts in the front yard, if there are none, our expert technicians will need to install them first. They will then pull a toilet inside the home and fill the sewer line with water, marking it and letting it sit for quite a while. If it drops, we know there is a leak on that line and can then pursue it further, by running our sewer camera down the line to see where the issue is.

Slab Leak Prevention in Parker Texas

There are some steps that can be taken by home or business owners in Parker, including:

  • Soaker Hoses Many Allen residents will use soaker hoses to help maintain healthy soil around and under their homes.
  • Scheduled testing For sewer systems, a sewer video, and static test performed annually can help catch a sewer slab leak before it gets out of hand. For water systems, performing a meter test annually can help catch water slab leaks before they get out of hand.

Do you have more questions?

Call Auger Pros Plumbing right away if you think your home is being affected by a slab leak in Parker Texas. We will diagnose, and if necessary locate and give you an upfront quote on a foundation leak repair before it’s too late. 214-206-6580.

Parker image

Slab Leak, Parker Texas

When should I consider doing a slab leak test?

There are a few instances where a slab leak test is beneficial to you and others:

  • Purchasing or selling a home or business: If you are purchasing or selling your home or business, it’s a very good idea to get your water and sewer lines tested for slab leaks. If you are buying the property, it will give you peace of mind going into the purchase that you don’t have that large issue to contend with. If you are selling your home, the results of a slab leak-free building can offer confidence to the buyer that the property is not being damaged by a slab leak.
  • Noticing obvious signs of a slab leak: Noticing doors not shutting any more, cracks in the walls, in the tile floors, hot spots on the floor, water coming out of the foundation, sewer smell constantly are signs that you should have the tests done.
  • Foundation repair being done: Whenever you are having foundation work done, generally it’s a requirement to have a slab leak test done on the water and sewer lines, but even if it’s not, you should still have the peace of mind of having them done. Moving a foundation, even a little can wreak havoc on your plumbing under the slab.

Call 214-206-6580 today for efficient repairs and courteous, friendly service from AugerPros Plumbing.


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