Garbage Disposal Installation & Repair in Allen

Do you need a “Garbage Disposal Installation Plumber” in Allen, Texas?

Call 214-206-6580 today for efficient repairs and courteous, friendly service from AugerPros Plumbing.

If you are in need of a Garbage Disposal Installation Plumber in Allen Texas, you will want a professional local plumbing company that is going to treat you right—a plumbing company that thinks of their customers like family and offers quality products and Free Phone Consultations! You don’t have to look any further—you just found Allen Texas’s Garbage Disposal service specialists at Auger Pros Plumbing & Drain.

Garbage Disposal

Garbage Disposal Issues, Allen

Allen Texas Garbage Disposal Installation & Repair Plumber

Looking to replace a broken garbage disposal or install a new one on an existing sink? Auger Pros Plumbing & Drain, Allens premier Garbage Disposal Installation Plumber can install your garbage disposal and ensure it has the necessary GFCI outlet and wiring. We have the know-how to do it right the first time- with no leaks!

When it comes to problems with garbage disposals in Allen homes, the big question is whether to repair, unclog or replace them. When you choose a professional garbage disposal repair in Allen, TX from Auger Pros Plumbing & Drain, we can identify what is your best choice with a quick inspection of your unit.

If the unit has stopped working altogether, it may require a replacement. If just one component of the garbage disposal isn’t working, repairing the garbage disposal may get it working again. Finally, if there is food or other material stuck in the pipe, you could simply need someone to unclog your garbage disposal. Luckily, Auger Pros Plumbing is just a phone call away!

The Allen Professional Garbage Disposal Experts

If you have a garbage disposal, it is vital that the unit and garbage disposal plumbing are in good working order to prevent kitchen drain clogs or backups. Garbage disposals can be damaged if non-food objects like silverware, sponges, or straws end up in the appliance. Garbage disposal clogs can be caused by food items like fats or grease, bones, or highly fibrous foods like celery.

If you’re looking for a garbage disposal installation plumber near you, look no further than Auger Pros Plumbing & Drain. We can help you determine the right brand, type, and size for your Allen home. Sizing a garbage disposal is very important and will minimize drain clogging when sized correctly. 

Allen image

Garbage Disposal Installation, Allen Texas

3 Ways to Get Rid of a Nasty Garbage Disposal Smell

If you’ve noticed a funky smell emanating from your garbage disposal, Read More for Tips to Help!

Here are 3 natural ways to clean and deodorize smelly garbage disposals, using common household items:

1. Use Ice and Salt to Clean the Grinder Blades
Put a big cup full of ice cubes into the disposal, turn it on, and then add about half a cup of kosher or rock salt. The ice and salt will work together to scrub the gunk off the inside of your disposal.

2. Use Citrus Peels for a Fresher Disposal
Throw a few lemon or orange peels into the disposal and grind them up to add a clean citrus scent to your kitchen. This can be done anytime, even if the appliance isn’t stinky.

3. Make a Deodorizing Volcano with Baking Soda & Vinegar

Mixing baking soda and vinegar creates a strong chemical reaction that looks like a giant, fizzy volcano. But these two ingredients also have incredible deodorizing and cleaning powers. Sprinkle half a cup of baking soda into the disposal and add some vinegar. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with hot water.

If you try these methods and your garbage disposal still reeks, call Auger Pros Plumbing & Drain. Our plumbing professionals will quickly get to the bottom of the problem.

Call 214-206-6580 today for efficient repairs and courteous, friendly service from AugerPros Plumbing.


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